A prescription for anti-depression
There was a time in my life where I was strongly urged to take anti-depressants .I wanted to feel better - but I resisted the idea that those pills would fix everything for me. This is my story.
There was a time in my life where I was strongly urged to take anti-depressants .I wanted to feel better - but I resisted the idea that those pills would fix everything for me. This is my story.
Meditation can help, you just have to do it. It is not a theoretical practice, but a practice exercise: it doesn't matter how many times you have done it already, you need to keep doing it for it work - you need to COMMIT TO SIT.
For everyone who has been thinking our economic, financial, governance systems are broken - for everyone who thinks there must be another way, a better way to live together - to thrive! - this framework is for you.
Both sides now : Working moms & Stay a home moms : what do these titles mean for our identities? This is about work and identity, about deep seating belief systems, it's about finding a plurality of role models, with brave and authentic ways of living.
It's time to rethink Economics, to create new and resilient structures that promote equality and well-being, and I know just the place to start... The Household.
What would 2040 look like if we had already hit net-zero? What would need to happen for climate to get a voice, and what would that look like? How could we get people to move beyond the tragedy of the commons to the collaboration of the future? These were the questions driving this piece.
What does Grit have to do with it? How sticking with something long enough, can help you push past plateaus in development, gain mastery and increase happiness.